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Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Not back to school

Laura working hard on her design.

At home ed group today Laura decorated her T-shirt and helped paint a banner for the NOT BACK TO SCHOOL PICNIC which is being held next week.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Animal care course day 1

Today is day one of Laura's animal care course. She learns best by listening so we have decided that the best way to tackle it is for me to read the course information to her. That suits me fine as it's so interesting and it's nice for us to be learning something together. Laura already knew much of what we covered today though as she had done it in Science just before leaving school (but I learned a lot).

Monday, 23 August 2010

The course has arrived! We've had a quick look through it and it looks really interesting. There's a lot to get through so it looks as though we're in for a busy year. Can't wait to get started tomorrow.

Friday, 20 August 2010

Animal Care Home Study Course

I have just enrolled Laura in the UK Open Learning Animal Care Home Study Course (Level 2 Award). It's a year long course so Laura should be kept very busy. It seems like the perfect course for her as she is so passionate about animals. We're both really excited and can't wait for it to arrive on Monday.